Earwigs in Arizona Homes

Earwigs are often found in places where there is dampness or moistness, like the bathroom or kitchen. If you notice infestation of earwigs in your house, act immediately to get rid of them. While Arizona tends to be a dry state during monsoon season the increase in storms creates many hospitable places for Earwigs to reside.

What do Earwigs Look Like?

They have an elongated body and a few species are as large as 80 mm in length. While some earwig types do not bear wings, others have wings, but they hardly fly. In case of winged earwigs, the thin and membranous hind wings are folded neatly underneath the short leathery fore wings. Another identifiable trait of pincher bugs is their jointed antennae. With this brief identification guide, let’s take a look at the probable causes of infestation of earwigs in the house and their removal methods.

What Causes Earwig Infestation in House?

Earwig bugs are nocturnal and remain unnoticeable during day time. They come out at night for feeding. Hence, many homeowners are ignorant of the situation, even if their house is infested with these pincher bugs. They primarily feed on a wide variety of plants and insects. A few of them are parasitic and some species cause significant damage to garden plants. Earwigs live and migrate in groups; you can find them in mulch piles, garbage, lawn debris, and vegetation. When food is scarce and climate is dry, they may enter the house in search of food and damp condition, mainly through exterior cracks and fissures.


If you find yourself with an Earwig infestation in Arizona don’t hesitate to call Bug Guardian Pest Prevention today!
